Monday, December 3, 2007

Reflections for Session 3

In today's session, we learnt about assessing the learning environment. In the first part of the day, Dr Quek explained why we need to assess the learning environment and how to go about it.

We were introduced to Lewin for his theory on human behavior as a function of the person and the environment, Murray for his needs-press theory, Timothy Leary on his 8-dimensions of interpersonal teacher behaviour, Walberg on his works on the classroom climate and individual learning, Moos on his three schema (Personal, Relationship and System Change & Maintenance), Fraser and Fisher.

During today's lesson, we are exposed to various questionaires that are developed to assess learning environment. I think the WIHIC, QTI and SLEI are suitable tools for assessing my students. To think that we are actually trying to craft out tools like these in schools from scratch! I am glad that there are valid tools readily available.

In today's lesson, we also saw five short videos on the different teaching styles and that set me thinking about how my lessons can be different. :)

Guess that's about all for now!

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