Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Reflections for Session 4

I am able to concentrate much better in class today than I did yesterday. Guess I was trying to multi-task (read: IM, facebook) less and pay attention more. :)

In today's lesson, we looked at the School Level Environment Questionnaire. It was interesting to note that the questions testing the same domain are not grouped together to avoid student fatigue. We observed that the 9 dimensions in the SLEQ can be group rather nicely into the Moos Schema that we learnt yesterday. Dr Quek also noted that the students' language abilities and concentration span must also be taken into consideration in customising of the tools for usage in the classroom. This is so true! In administering of surveys in the classroom, we often have to stop to explain the meanings of the words to the students. There was an ocassion where I even had to translate the words to Mandarin to assist them in their understanding.

The group work on case studies of the schools is a good exercise for us to extract information from the qualitative data available.

In the afternoon, we tried entering data from our survey into Excel for analysis using SPSS tomorrow. It could have been a rather boring task but our group actually had quite a bit of fun during data entry. SPSS looked rather scary but I guessed it would be a useful tool to learn especially with so much research going on in schools. Hopefully, by tomorrow, SPSS would be much clearer!


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